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Listing for 5/8/2024
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# 249
WHAT'S THE DEAL? A full range of denim selections in the hottest washes.
Monica is a constant replay at the Replay store!
Q How did you hear about this sale?
MONICA MESZAROS I go to the Replay store all the time. We've come to the sample sales for the last two years—since they opened, probably. We are from Europe, so we like this brand. This is one of only two stores in the whole US, they told me. It's great that you can find a nice European brand like this.

What did you buy here today? The last few times I've gone, I've bought jeans and tops, and my boyfriend really likes the sweaters. Today I've already found jeans and a shirt for my boyfriend, and will be looking for the same for me.

How often do you go to sample sales? This is the only sample sale I go to, because this is the only one I know about. I don't really have time to search for them, but we always go into the Replay Store and ask when they will be having the sample sale, and we get the card in the mail.

What you are wearing? Diesel, it's all Diesel, everything—head to toe Diesel.

Favorite celebrity fashion? No not really, they all look great. It's not difficult for them to look great!

Best purchase ever? I got a pair of shoes here for $10 last year, and I love them. I think it was the last day of the sale, so they dropped the price. They are not really my size, they are little bit bigger, but I wear them all the time, they are so comfortable. They're like a sneaker but they are really cool.

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