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# 320

At Boutique on 57 sample sale in New York City last week, Tia Kaplan, a discriminating sample sale shopper with an affinity for Valentino looked for some good finds.

Q Q: How did you hear about this sale?

TIA KAPLAN I’m on a distribution list for

Q: Are you looking for anything in particular?

A: Yes and no. When I saw that they featured Valentino I was interested in the gowns because I have a lot of formal events coming up.

Q: Did you find anything today?

A: Not today.

Q: How often do you shop at sample sales?

A: Usually every season. You can find a lot of good things depending on who you go to.

Q: Any tips for sample shopping?

A: I normally only go to sample sales of a designer that I wear. That way it’s actually going to be something that’s current season, you know the line, how it fits, what the price range is, and how much the discount is off retail price. I try to be savvy about how I shop.

Q: Are you in the fashion industry?

A: No. You would think so wouldn’t you? My mother is in retail sales. She was really instrumental in teaching my sister and I about what’s quality, what its worth, the mark up versus what you pay in the store. I think that’s always in the back of my mind when I’m shopping.

Q: How important is fashion to you?

A: Pretty important. On a day to day basis I’m a jeans and t-shirts kind of girl but when I like to get dressed, I definitely get dressed. It’s a big a deal. Probably bigger than it should be but it’s still a big deal.

Q: Personal Style?

A: I like things that are classic. I don’t really like to buy anything that I’ll look at next season and regret. Elegant, sophisticated, clean lines, I don’t like things that are overly fussy.

Q: Who do you think is the best dressed celebrity this season?

A: Cate Blanchett always looks really great. Gwyneth Paltrow always looks really great. Everybody’s been talking negatively about the really short dresses she was wearing during the press tour for Iron Man but I thought they were all really great. She has great legs so why not show them off. I think Jennifer Hudson has been looking really good. Whoever has been styling her recently is making her look great.

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